1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2014 

General Clubhouse Clean Up Day - March 2011

Gary lines out the work that work that needs to be accomplished before the 2011 Oyster/Ham Feed....


                                                                 Jean...                                                                                      Mike is refueling....

                                                                  Nancy P...                                                                           Bill...

                                                             Nancy F....                                                                                    Rita...

                                                                 Bill and Lorraine...                                                                    Dr. John...

                                                                   Sheryl and Nancy....                                                                Jeni...

                                        Rita cleans out the Awards Showcase...                                                         Bonnie...


                                                      Kurt, George, and Rick....                                        Steve, Dick, Kurt, and Rick; cleaning the roof...

                                                                  Jean and Bill ...                                               Dan cleans out the kitchen light fixtures...

                                                                Jeni...                                                                Mishawn and Danielle cleaning windows....

                                        Dr. John and Janet clean up the flatware....                                   Linda takes on all of the fun jobs...

                                   Steve reinstalls the shelves from the new refrigerator....                        Christy lends a hand cleaning up the fridge....

                                                                   Rick and George....                                                              Vicky....

                                                        Rob...                                                                        Kim and Jim...

The End