1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2014 



Rob and Xuefang, with help from SYC volunteers, made up 44 personalized gift stockings...

                                                    Sheryl, Jan, and Debbie....                                                                 Jan...

                                                            Celeste and Nadine....                                                                  Jan and Jerry....


                                                     Debbie, Carol, and Pam....                                                                   Frank Claus....

                                           Jim                                                                  Xuefang                                     Rob and Linda.  Linda heads up the cooking....

                                                      We have a full kitchen crew....                                                        Dinner is prepared...


                                 Rob sings, and leads, the Christmas carols....                                                                  Dinner is served....

                     Bernie mans (??) the coffee machine....                        Xuefang learns balloons                          Mr. T, a ventriloquist, entertains the guests...

                                              Santa arrives!                                                         Dusty the Balloon Man, Santa Claus, Mr. T the ventriloquist, and Rob.....

A Thank You Card, signed by all of the special guests, was presented to Rob and the SYC...

The Mighty SYC Crew....   19 SYC Members pitched in....

44 Special Guests + Many Chaperons

Great job!