1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2014 

Decorating for the Commodore's Ball

                                     Props are staged outside the Club House...                                             Diana re-arranges some stuff....

                                                             Jerry...                                                                                       Christy...

                                                              Jane and Jerry...                                                                Jane and Debbie...

                                                        Frank and Jerry...                                                                       Planning their next move...

                                                                     Jim and Jim ...                                                                     Jenni...

                                                      Debbie and Cathy...                                                            Diana, Sheryl, Christy, and Bernie...

                                                           The work continues...                                                                        Frank and Per...

                                     Jim and his friend....                                                                                                           Don...

                                                      Bonnie, Linda, and Jean....                                                       Please Don!  I didn't do it!

                                                  Don, Frank, Diana, and Linda...                                                     Don and Kim....

It's slowly coming together....

Lunch break....

DONE! Ready to party!

The End