1956 Shelton Yacht Club 2014
Bonnie brought a fresh home baked Blackberry Pie... The SYC Boutique is set up with new First Mate Cruise Shirts...
Debbie and Noel at the SYC Boutique... Getting refreshments at the SYC Bar...
Judy is here! Greg is here too!
Ron and Dawn are here.... Rear Commodore Jerry and Christie are here too!
Gary, Kurt, and JL... James and Sue....
Judy and Jean.... Commodore Rick opens the meeting...
Commodore Rick awards Sue a bag of Chicken Scratch... Vice Commodore Dan gives his report....
Rear Commodore Jerry gives his report... The Fleet Captains tell about our Gig Harbor Cruise...
Mike tell us about the upcoming Dock Street Cruise... Commodore Rick reads the nominations for the 2013 First Mate Award...
Vice Commodore Dan and Rear Commodore Jerry tabulate the votes for the 2013 First Mate's Award... And the winner is....
First Mate Jenni ! CONGRATULATIONS ! A great choice!
Lorraine wins a 1st Mate Cruise Shirt... And Frank (actually Bernie) wins the raffled Boat Reading Lamp...
Kurt wins the raffled SYC Pillow... And Frank wins a bottle of Vodka....
Commodore Rick takes home the Donkey Flag... AGAIN! Gary wins the Rubber Ducky for taking a dunk in Gig Harbor...
Jim retires and Judene takes his place as the current Bill Mallows Inspiration Award Winner....
A big THANK YOU to tonight's Kitchen Crew! The End