1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2015 



                            The tables are decorated for Valentine's Day...    Rear Commodore Sue is handing out Member's Oyster Ham Tickets and signing up volunteers to work the dinner...

                                                    Neal hands out the 2015 Sea Breezes to Members...                                                     Debbie sells Raffle Tickets to members...

Karen and Mike are here, from the Tacoma Yacht Club, to talk about the 2015 Tacoma Daffodil Festival...

                                                       Christy and Dan serve refreshments....                                                          Connie, George, and Rear Commodore Linda.... 

                                                              Jane and our Club's Treasurer, Kim...                                                                                        Ken and Jan....

Pam brought a cake to celebrate Rick's 70th birthday...

                                  Commodore Jerry and 1st Mate Jenni....                                                                                          Mike and Judy...

                                                                            Don and George...                                                                            Dan and Vice Commodore Sue... 

                                                               Gwen and Mike work the kitchen....                                                                                   Jan and Judy...

                                                                                       Sue and JL...                                                                     Mike and Rick celebrate upcoming birthdays...

                                         Steve works Kitchen Duty...                                                                        Commodore Jerry opens the February Meeting... 

Karen, from the Tacoma Yacht Club, tells our members about the upcoming Daffodil Festival....

                                           Jerry awards Joan with her prize from the Superbowl Party...                            Vice Commodore Sue gives her monthly report to the membership...

                                                     Rear Commodore Linda gives her report...                               Fleet Captain Jean, Pam, and Rick tell about the upcoming Gig Harbor Cruise... 

                                                            Jan gives the SYC Family Report...                                             Jim tells everyone about the Power Squadron Boat Inspections...

                                             Lorraine wins a fire extinguisher for the Name Tag Drawing...                                        Jim wins the raffled bottle of Gentleman Jack...             

                                                        Frank wins the raffled Mariner's Multi-Tool....                         Connie wins the raffled Taos Toffee...  Standing with Brian, the candy maker...    

Rick wins the Donkey Flag for poor navigation. He went out of the main channel on Highway 19 and hit rough going on his way to the Port Townsend Land Cruise...

Lifetime Member Don, of all people, wins the Rubber Ducky Flag for falling in to his pond while retrieving a log...

                                      Jean wins the Good Deed Flag for her work on the Window Coverings...                   THANK YOU to tonight's Kitchen Crew.  Great Job!

The End