1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2015 



The tables were adorned with St. Patrick's Day Decorations...

Guess who decorated the tables??    

                                                                          Dave and Karen are here...                                                                                  Kriss, Rob and Kim...


                                              Bernie and Frank step up to buy Raffle Tickets from Ramona...                                                              Larry and Per ...

                                                         Debbie, Jane, and Diana are all here!                                                              Sue and Rear Commodore Linda are here too.... 

                                                                   Ramona sells Raffle Tickets to Sheryl....                                      Nancy, Debbie, and Ramona at the Raffle Table... 


Jackie and Danny work the bar....

                                                                      Roger and Ken are here tonight too....                                                                 Sue, J.L., and Kim.... 

                                                                   Gary and Vice Commodore Sue...                                                                   George, Debbie, and Dan...

                                                           Frank, Jerry, and Jan are here....                                                                                              Susan and Steve.... 

                                                     I don't think Larry likes being decorated...                                                              Former Member Rob and current member Jack... 

                                                                             Ramona, Jeni, and Larry....                                                    Members enjoy a delicious Pot Luck Dinner....

                                                   Vice Commodore Sue opens the meeting...                                        Rear Commodore Linda discusses some proposed Bylaw changes... 

Membership Chair Debbie honors Rear Commodore Linda and Dick for 25 years in the Club....

                                                             Club Historian Ron tells of days gone by....                                 Frank tell the membership about the upcoming Daffodil Parade...

The members vote for Dick as this year's Bill Mallows Inspiration Award Winner!

                                                              Jan delivers the SYC Family Report...                                                              Debbie wins the Name Tag Drawing...

                                             Ramona wins the raffled Mask, Fins, and Snorkel Set...                                                         Jan wins the raffled Steak Knives... 

                                                  Kim wins the raffled Girl Scout Cookies...                                                                 Ken wins the raffled bottle of Wild Turkey! 

                                         Fleet Captain Jean talks about the upcoming Bremerton Cruise...                                       Jim takes home the coveted Donkey Flag.... 

Dick gets the Good Deed Flag for his work on the SYC Rail...

A BIG thanks to tonight's Kitchen Crew!

The End