1956                      Shelton Yacht Club    2015 




Our weekend cruise hosts stand with Leif Erikson:  Larry and Cindy, Judy and Mike, and Pat and Gary.....

Our cruise host are setting up for the fun weekend...


Friday night offered Potluck Appetizers and a Special Grog....


                                                 Cindy...                                                                                                                            Brian, Jill, and Gary...

We were given a test to win prizes...


                                                                                                     Mike...                                                         Larry is handing out prizes...


                                                                                                         Don...                                                                        George...


                                                                                       Larry....                                                                                                     Don playing Darts...

At the Hiram M. Chittenden Locks in Ballard...


                                                                 Debbie at The Locks...                                                                                      Frank and Bernie at The Locks...

Sue, Don, Bandit, Brain, Bonnie, and Jill.... At The Locks.


                                                                            Jerry at The Locks...                                                                                     Debbie at The Locks...



                                                                               Debbie and Sue...                                                                      Bandit with her Rubber Ducky Flag....

Frank, Don, and Commodore Jerry...


On Saturday morning we had Omelets in a Bag...


                   Brian fishes out his breakfast from the boiling pot...                                                                       Pat takes a little well deserved rest...

Ken, Sue, Jenni, Mike, Larry, and Judy; on their way to dinner at Picolino's...


Saturday night dinner is at Picolino's in Ballard...


Dinner at Picolino's is served family style....


Sunday morning brought beautiful weather for our members to depart north or back to their home ports...


The End